Tuesday, September 8, 2009

wbsite & taiping trip

Weh korg2 sume, aku nk gtau yg aku da ade wbsite sndri taw! hehek
just go to this link http://arifstudio.freehostia.com/

Pastu 5hb yg lps aku g Taiping.. G umah ayah angkat aku kat sne.. best taw! hehek.. aku skg da x upload pic kat sni.. Aku akan masukkan dlm wbsite aku.. but for this time being i will give u the link direct to my gallery since my wbsite is still not fully comlpeted yet.
Here is the link http://arifkasim1984.jalbum.net

Anyway enjoy ok! ;p